How ‘Field Force Tracking’ Ensure Increased Employee Productivity?

The ‘mind’ bursts in pressure if you are to manage a number of people, and they are not supposed to work under your nose. This is enough to cultivate a dubious team environment and invariably harms the sales productivity too. A sense of uncertainty and a dark room of elusive transparency may be doing more harm to your business than you think. If I am to say with blunt honesty, ‘field force tracking’ will be the single ‘most’ impactful tech solution for the business world.

‘Field Force Tracking’; A Tech Solution to Rescue!

There are many people who have been doubtful about tracking and monitoring of others, even if your employees. But when I visit those peoples in their offices, they are sitting in their air-conditioned cabin with a big LED screen showing the live feeds in a big collage from the innumerable number of hidden spy cams installed at every other footstep.

A couple of years ago, I was sitting with the manager of a real estate company concerned to buying a place to built our house. He was reading something and and how he started the conversation was a bit strange, at least for a person of my taste

“Tracking is Unethical, we don’t work through unethical means” declared the manager to begin with. He just read an article on field management I presume. It is not the first time I heard this, and neither do I hope it will be the last. People do hate tracking, unless they don’t need a field force. Once they do, a lot of their ethics could change for the better of their business.

“If I was to manage field force, I could easily do it on my own. Anyways, just knowing the location of field force is not going to make a big difference for the manager.” The manager was in no mood to show any respect to field force tracking suggested in that article. This hypocrisy of the Managers is unexplainable. The guy who is literally using spy cam throughout every couple of meters inside the office premises and hasn’t even spared the cafeteria is talking about field force tracking being unethical. At least, it doesn’t try to keep an eye on every minute details as he has been using CCTV cameras to do so.

A person who is not confident enough to manage his employees within office premises without a CCTV camera is claiming to manage field force on his own without any technical help. How much can ignorant one be to facts? This is a stupid argument and does even make any sense whatsoever.

The Problems in Managing Field Force Productivity

Inconsistency and lack of productivity are two regular issues which show up more often than not. Thereby the final figures that business takes away, in the end, are not something that is looked upon for motivation. Are your field operations going through same “not so satisfying” results? Did you actually try all possible solutions that you could but for no respite at all?

Poor Reporting and Delayed Updates

A field employee as it stands is expected to submit his daily reports after completion of work. How can you even think that it can help your productivity anyhow whatsoever? When the work is already been done, you don’t stand a chance to mend it. Moreover, the reports and updates are not only delayed, but they can also be twisted for personal suitability.

Uncertainity and Darkness to Curb the Transparency

Poor reporting helps a field employee a chance of cosmetic makeover of the report. There are many such cases in most field operations when few team members who had been ‘poorly performing’ carefully adulterate the reports and escape it by submitting disguised reports that hide their ill job. But it obviously not reflects instantly and only after an assessment. It hampers the overall productivity of the whole team. Though there are just selected ones responsible for this.

Field Work Exclusive to Employee’s Nature

While your team works on the field, there’s no way you can monitor his work. The employee has the exclusive right whether to work or not. This actually compels the corrupt minds to show themselves and most people fall for it, even if they are good at work.  This obviously makes the productivity suffer.

Irrelevant or Uncontrolled Expenditure

Though, the time and capital invested on unmonitored acts may be serving no use to your business (which is already damaged financially). Every penny that you spend extra on your field, is going to eat your profit margin to a minimal value? Everything that such non-identified tasks do is waste your time, money, investments and efforts. Most important of all, they make your business operations less productive and yet feed on those expenditures.

Have you tried your best at managing field productivity? Unfortunately, you didn’t. Maybe you are doing fine but that doesn’t mean you are doing the best unless you know what your team has been up to, during their stay on the field. ‘Field force tracking’ is GPS based solution and offers precise input of field movements of your team members.

If combined with, Report Automation, it is a cherry on the cake. Today, smartphones offer GPS and anytime connectivity and this is all it takes. Just try to increase sales productivity with the help of field force tracking and get the handful of insights that help you manage employee productivity, on the go.

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